Varicose veins on the legs: symptoms and treatment

varicosity varicose veins on the legs is not only a cosmetic problem, causing the concern of people over their attractiveness, but also a dangerous disease that requires appropriate treatment and compliance with the prevention.

The reasons varicose veins are very many: from the sedentary lifestyle, physical overload and ending with hormonal corrupted, congenital weakness of the walls of the blood vessels, pregnancy. That at the same time, there is varicosity? If varico varicose veins of the lower extremities, they lose the normal elasticity and the pressure of the blood stretched.

Valves in the veins of the normal state has a certain lock, and when the blood passes through them, they are closed and provide an opportunity to reverse the blood outflow. As in the work of the valves observed in the runs of blood can be freely delivered down, which leads to stagnation of blood.

In this regard, that the vein does not come to pressure, swell, tabs will no longer be able to cover great ground clearance - all this creates you in the initial stages of varicosity.


The cause of varicosity

Why create the varicosity, and which is it? The main risk factors for the development of the disease is considered a genetic predisposition and sexual affiliation. Because love is high calc, hormonal adjustments during pregnancy and to adopt contraceptives, women are the victims of varicosity two times more often than men.

The development of the disease contribute:

  1. Heredity. The inheritance goes not to the disease itself, but genetically due to the building of the veins: weak connective tissue in the veins of the walls, congenital неполноценные valves in the veins. Because of varicosity can be observed in young, healthy and active (regardless of gender) people, and even children. Scientists believe, is genetic predisposition, which is the main factor, lead to the sale of varico extend the leg veins.
  2. Hormonal changes. Due to the nature of the organism of the women at the time of hormonal failures the reasons for the change in the stagnation of the blood. For them, the most dangerous periods – puberty, pregnancy, while after delivery. Also a dangerous time, when the menopause. This sexual category of patients go to all the doctors 2-3 times more often. Women's bodies inadequate hormone, called эстрогенами. Instead, that they are dominant in the so-called hormones is the yellow body. It is believed that he is having muscle with a relaxing activity. This is conducive to the expansion of the veins.
  3. The lack of movement and sedentary lifestyle, do work that requires a long-term stay standing, conducive to varicose.
  4. Age. Over time, the flaps and the walls of the veins become thin, if it causes disruption to your work.
  5. Obesity. Excess weight leads to increased stress in the veins of the legs.

Secondary varicosity there will be injuries to the feet, пороках the heart of the infringement the functions of the liver and spleen. In this case, the first carried out the corresponding treatment of the primary disease.

Stage of varicosity

Can distinguish 3 stages of the disease symptoms in the development of varicosity.

  1. Phase compensation. Complaints missing. The investigation is observed варикозно enlarged veins on one or on two legs.
  2. Phase of the sub-compensations. When looking feet is visible in expressed варикозно enlarged veins. Patients submit complaints feel распирания, paraesthesia ("ants") in the area of the shins, night cramps. Celebrate the small swelling stop, the ankle region and lower leg in the evenings. The morning puffiness disappear.
  3. Phase декомпенсации. To use objects align dermatitis, eczema. Sick of bothering with itchy skin. The skin becomes dry, glossy, tight спаянной with subcutaneous fiber. Small bleeding and subsequent deposition of hemosiderin ugly you гиперпигментацию.

Itself varicosity is not considered a very serious disease, but if it is already developed, itself never is not transferred, and, even more, to thrive, leading to all manner of complications, which pose the greatest threat.

phase варикоза

Signs of varicosity

The first signs, указывающими at the beginning of the development of varicosity:

  • the rapid foot fatigue;
  • lower limbs edema;
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs.

In the later stages, it can be noted the appearance of vascular asterisks on your skin покровах, the speakers in the vein and the various seals, which show stagnant phenomena in vessels.

The symptoms of varicose veins on the legs

Different on the stage of varicosity ven symptoms can be different – from the almost asymptomatic, small vascular "stars" to severe and painful manifestations.

May suspect the development of the initial stage can be such a симптоматике:

  • the appearance of pains in the legs, do not feel the heat and sometimes burning sensation over the veins of the feet;
  • the severity of the legs;
  • during the evening at the time of submitting the swelling of the feet;
  • night of start leg cramps;
  • the enlarged veins;
  • the skin of the shins acquires a dark color, appear on seals, are possible trophic ulcers.

Found yourself any kind of primary symptoms, should immediately begin treatment varicose veins – symptoms of itself does not disappear.


In order to diagnose the varicosity of the lower extremities and determine the appropriate treatment, the specialist provides to the sick through the in-depth study, which encompasses a number of different methods.

  1. Duplex scanning (ULTRASOUND, varicose veins)- the most informative method of diagnostics of varicose veins on the legs, giving the opportunity to get an idea of the extent of varicose veins, in the direction of the flow of blood over the veins and their openness and also to detect whether there are blood clots (thrombi).
  2. Contrast for venography, which is the survey method, which allows to detect the enlarged veins, and to learn the extent of their openness to the blood.

Diagnosis of varicosity deeper veins may be only a highly skilled doctor.

The consequences

Осложненное within the varicosity accompanied by thrombosis, the formation of, and activating, trophic ulcers and disorders of the skin. These complications occur to change the skin colour on the legs, rubore, dimou, venetus skin.

Also characterized by persistent swelling of the голеностопа, especially strong, when walking or standing. In the field of икр arise the pains when walking, soreness in the course of извитой the vein, sealing in the skin and the education of his sores of different sizes.


If you are prone to this disease, the following recommendations will help slow down its progression:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes without spikes or low heel.
  2. If the loads can be done with the brace, the feet or the heel treatment of the knitted things, but only after consulting the doctor.
  3. Do not stand and do not sit long in one place – navigate, loading, more frequently your body position.
  4. Do not take hot tubs, especially in the morning is better to replace them with a warm shower in the final cold обливанием.
  5. Avoid smoking, which will worsen the condition of vessels.

The main prevention is the moderate physical activity: swimming, walking, skating, cycling, loading.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy significantly increases the risk of developing varicosity in the lower extremities of the veins, this will contribute to such causes:

  1. Hormones in the blood circulating during pregnancy, increase the extensibility of venous walls and lead to stagnation of venous blood in the legs.
  2. Increased intra-abdominal pressure of late intentionally, pregnancy prevents blood outflow is veins the legs.
  3. varicosity of the veins, which is encountered during pregnancy, may fully go through after the birth or evolve, that depends on the individual factors (heredity, there are also other contributory factors).
treatment варикоза on the feet

Treatment varicosity varicose veins on the legs

If varico varicose veins on the legs treatment may not be medically necessary if the symptoms do not проблематичные.

However, some people may want to be healed from varicose veins is for cosmetic reasons, because they are satisfied with their positions.

Analyze the main methods which helps to get rid of the problem.

  1. Склеротерапия. This is a treatment method used independently and in complex conservative treatment. Its essence lies in this, that the way of a fine needle or syringe introducing special, signans in this drug, later way to fully disappear. Chats are held once a week, required 3-to 6-like sessions. The method allows to avoid the acne and scars.
  2. Безоперационное treatment. If there are varicose veins – in the initial stage, and if it does not cause too great inconvenience, it can be recommended to the elastic сжимающие stockings. Wear them at the same time the day to day activities. They help to compress the vein, keeping them away from the stretching and limitations of any discomfort or pain.
  3. Медикаментозное treatment of varicosity relieves symptoms, reduces swelling and pain, slows down development, but can not stop the disease entirely and restore the damaged vein.
  4. Laser treatment for varicose veins on the legs can be used on the skin surface. Using a small flash of laser light from the wall of the vein develops in the process of sclerosing and varicose way is lost, it is like it has been removed.

A greater role in the treatment and prevention play a physical stress — fast walking, gymnastics, swimming and exercises in water (except for sports exercises a great burden on the feet — tennis, raskejõustik, jumping).

Medications venotonics

The operation data of the medication is aimed to increase the smooth muscle tone of the vascular walls, which allows to maintain their elasticity and normalize blood circulation in the infected areas.

Many venotonics – this medications integrated activities. The effect, which is achieved, when to use them is not only vein, but also all the ships that are in our body.

How to treat varicosity ven people means

There are many treatment for varicose veins on the feet of people of means, both external and internal applications. Below are the most common are:

  1. Flowers hevoskastanja (50 grams) it is necessary to pour 500 gr of alcohol, then let stand for 14 days, every day rocking the bottle. Leave the infusion through the eye, and eat a teaspoon with water three times a day before meals. So it is necessary to treat of the week, then take a break for two weeks. Then treatment can be restarted.
  2. The infusion of dried nettle is used, if varico varicose veins. Dry pulverized leaves of plants pour into the thermos 1/2 l of boiling water, 30-40 minutes, filtered and taken to 1/3 cup 3 times a day 1 hour after a meal.
  3. Compress the tomato. Chopped tomatoes, divided bandage, gauze, and прикладывается at the diseased site. For convenience, you can tie the elastic or other bandage. Remain compress, that this is a vein for 2 hours, then makes a new, and so a total of 3 times. Convenience given a compress in this, that it can be repeated every day.
  4. Масляная tincture made of walnut: immature, chop the nuts, pour into a glass bowl, pour olive oil and 40 days requires a sunny place. Ready tincture to sick places. The treatment is long, how and when you use kalanchoe.

In addition to the folk, many sick varicosity additional treatment gymnastic — feel the significant improvement allows exercises Mikulina.